Uterine Tune-Up: Hysteroscopy and Polypectomy

Uterine Tune-Up: Hysteroscopy and Polypectomy

We jumped right back on the fertility rollercoaster for our 2018 baby journey. On January 2nd I finally had the ol’ polyp (pictured above and formerly known as Polly #RIP) sucked out and my uterus is CLEAR and ready for our IVF cycle.

As far as the hysteroscopy/polypectomy procedure goes, it was the least painful of all the terrible things we have to go through because I finally got to be under general anesthesia (instead of wide awake with only a stress ball to squeeze for pain relief while things are jabbed through my cervix-read about my experience HSG testing here). The only real pain that I felt was when Nurse BONNIE couldn’t get my IV in. It was one of those scenarios where you know something isn’t working, but don’t know enough to really say anything. However, I was certain it wasn’t working when I looked down to see a golf ball-sized saline protrusion sprouting up in my left hand. Luckily, a substitute stepped in to place the IV in my other arm effortlessly – for both of us.

To the Betty's who are just starting out with IVF tests and treatment, my polyp was discovered after undergoing the general test battery we all go through (HSG first, then a saline sono confirmed the presence/size of the polyp). Sweet Polly has increased in size over the past year, and as the uterus needs to be as smooth and healthy as possible for embryo placement, she got her eviction notice for 2018.

My RE mentioned that uterine polyps are quite common and not usually an issue for natural pregnancy, but for IVF and embryo placement it is essential for them to be addressed. Sometimes the polyps take care of themselves, but unfortunately for me that was not the case. It will be sent out for pathology testing, but uterine polyps are rarely anything other than benign.

Regarding the procedure itself, it was my goal to remain ignorant as to what they were actually doing down there (mission accomplished, though the anesthesia helped as well). They somehow got the scope/vacuum type machine into my uterus and then sucked Polly right out-  I assume it involved some clamps and terrifying probes, but luckily I’ll never know (readers are always encouraged to leave comments below, but feel free to keep these details hidden from me forever)! The overall procedure took approximately 30 minutes, though once the “Michael Jackson Juice” (anethesiologist’s words, not mine) hit my veins, the hour-long time frame consisting of the procedure and recovery room stay was over before I knew it. My sainted husband AKA Hot Nuts whisked me back home to begin healing, as we left Polly behind at the hospital.

Of course, anyone who has ever experienced any such procedure knows that leaving the hospital marks only the beginning of a new step.  The pain is manageable – overall discomfort with mild to moderate cramping – but it is still pain, nonetheless. I am still hopped up on the (prescribed) pain meds so we will see how I feel once those are all gone.

To the BB’s of the world who might have to go through this same procedure: hysteroscopy and polypectomy isn’t SO bad. I would expect to be off work for at least two days, and maybe three. I took two days and feel like I could have worked today, although I would have had a lot of discomfort. Fortunately, my meetings for tomorrow were mercifully cancelled, as there is somehow an impending blizzard in Virginia Beach. The additional rest day will be welcomed.

In an effort to keep my uterus as “toned” as possible for the upcoming treatments, I am drinking (lots of) Raspberry Leaf Tea every day and highly recommend it! Any other tea drinkers out there? Raspberry Leaf has long been used for female reproductive health, it doesn’t taste great, but much like my procedure – it’s just another thing we do to hopefully improve our chances of a successful IVF cycle.

BB’s- anyone else have a polypectomy? How was your recovery/experience? What additional “things” do you try to increase your IVF success- nutrition, acupuncture, reflexology?





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Listen breeders: THINK before you DINK

BYE POLLY- Hysteroscopy and Polypectomy FTW also . . .NEW YEAR, NEW BETTY

BYE POLLY- Hysteroscopy and Polypectomy FTW also . . .NEW YEAR, NEW BETTY